Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to both Grandbabies!!

We were blessed beyond messure last March with two beautiful baby daughters had daughters...

Maria - March 6, 2007 & Anna - March 29, 2007 - God is so wonderful - both babies are healthy and celebrating their first birthday party together on Sunday!

Anna's daddy is overseas - please keep him in your prayers - my daughter and Anna are staying with my husband and I for the time being - wonderful for us - however we keep Chris in our prayers and pray for his safe return soon.

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter - ours was beautiful - Praise God....Mary

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blessed Easter.....

I read Matthew 27:51-56 this morning and was just in awe of what that "seen" must have been like - I try to go there and feel what it must have been like when "the veil of the temple was torn in two" - "rocks were split" - "graves opened"~

I will try to remain - the next few days with that seen in my mind and pray to in someway - be thankful for what HE has done for us - not sure how to even comprehend the type of LOVE HE shown us. I do know HIS love is so great and all HE wants is for me/us "minute by minute" to reconize that Love and to have Faith thoughout our journey and know that He is with us always.....

I wish you all a very Blessed Easter - Mary

Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Paddy's Day ......

Hello, so it is St. Patrick's Week-end and when I was growing up that was a day like no other...good memories. We still - my brothers and their families and my family still hold it close to our hearts. May niece got married today. It was a small wedding but very pretty. We all talked about the old days when my Mom and Dad were with us....they are missed but so amazing how the "circle of life" develops - we have children they have children - blessings all around us.....

Have a blessed Palm Sunday and a quiet prayerful Holy Week..

God's peace....Mary

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Days of Lent...

Seems like yesterday was Ash Wednesday...where has the time gone and have I done what needs done? Sure I gave up Peanut Butter for Lent and that may make you smile but that my friends is very hard for me - so I think....Mary get a grip....

I read about the crucifixion Mark 15:22 "they brought Jesus to a place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull) that alone makes me cold with fear -can you image our Lord? Luke 22:42-44 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done"! He knew what was ahead of Him - an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened Him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."

We read in Mark 15:34 and at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" - which means, "My God, my God why have you forsaken me? That was nine hours...can you image and we complain when we are tired, overworked, unappreciated. When we feel abandoned - when we feel frustrated - when we feel scared...go to the cross... I am just in awe that Jesus Christ would have gone to the cross for just me...

God's peace to all.....

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Annie...

Today was my mom's birthday and she never told the truth about her age... :)
She would have been 90!

I began this blog in her honor -she was a wonderful, beautiful, Irish lady...

Thanks Mom you were the best...

Rested from Retreat...

What a beautiful week-end I was blessed with. Quiet, peaceful and prayerful...
wonderful workshops beautiful music...

We had a snow storm on Friday afternoon - thanks to my hubby he was able to get me there safe and on time... I sat in the chapel and watched the snow cover the trees in the courtyard. The title of the retreat was "You alone are my God". HE is our personal God each of us - hard to understand that type of Love - but thru the grace of God we can feel it in our hearts...

Father Patrick spoke about "prayer" and how important it is to pray for others - how lives can change thru prayers. However we must remember it is in HIS time. Father said as parents and grandparents we may not even see the answer to prays for our family members on earth but we will witness it from above...

Another workshop was about the importance of "quiet time for prayer" how we need to still the busyness of our lives and become quiet. When our thoughts wander as they will i.e. what will I make for dinner? - what needs washed? - what needs done at work?....he said to pray for God to help you set those thoughts aside and consentrate on the here and now. Another great workshop was about forgiveness...she recommends a book by Lewis Smedes - Forgive & Forget -also - Forgiving the Unforgiveable by David Stoop.

I feel blessed and rested. What a wonderful time to go also during Lent...
Hope all are well..M