Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here I am Lord..

Here I am Lord I have come to do your Will... Is there a more beautiful song?
Doing what we feel God wants us to do - trying to figure out God's will for our lives...seems so difficult sometimes - yet when I become very still and listen - really listen - I feel over-flowing peace in my heart.

Lately I have looked back and realized what I thought at the time would have been the very best outcome for a situation would have been just completely wrong...for everyone involved.

I continue to read the Word of God daily and sometimes it just speaks to me heart~
Other times I try my best to figure out what I am being told~ :)

I am off to my retreat this week-end - I know I am so blessed - an entire week-end to devote to the bible - and prayer - Thanks for all the encouraging comments - it means alot to me... God bless..M

Saturday, February 23, 2008

This Side of Heaven~~

"Some things you may never understand this side of heaven, if you are always trying to figure it out, it will only bring frustration and confusion. Learn to trust God, and know that as long as you're doing your best, as long as your're keeping your heart pure before God, you are exactly where you're supposed to be. (Joel Osteen) (Become a Better You".)

I enjoyed both of Joel Osteen's books and I really like the quote about not understanding things "this side of heaven". I think we all at some time or another during our lives try to make sense of things that will never make sense.... I am thankful that on the journey I have been on lately I have really stopped trying to figure it out. I have accepted that it is ok to not understand. If I try to understand why God would allow things to happen that would be me thinking God is on our level - HELLO - not so...I feel peace in my heart and I praise God for helping me find peace in a confusing world.

God bless..

Friday, February 22, 2008

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow....

This is what came to my heart - love that song just started singing it in my head :)

My Bible and being able to really understand what I am reading...
My Journal and looking back thru and writing what is on my heart...
Rosie the cutest dog in the world who just loves you no matter what...
Snow, Snow, Snow - very pretty and peaceful...

I have found a week-end treat for next week-end - talk about the good Lord working.
I will have a week-end with my Bible, prayers and the most beautiful chapel you have ever seen. God is working in my life like I have never felt before - God's blessings to all - enjoy your week-end...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Guidance part 2...

So I am not one to ever say "God give me a sign" - but wow talk about a brick wall.
I have been reading the Word of God and I keep coming across scripture relating to
"LOVE" - and forgiveness. This is where I really get hung up - I know I will always love my son and I do forgive him because he needs my prayers. So this morning I am walking across the street and a car stopped to ask directions - he put his window down and he was an older man - gray hair - and asked for the directions and then he put his hand up to point to where I was telling him and he had a tatoo across his
fingers with - are you ready - L O V E on them....he was like 70 years old....
I said - ok Lord I know you are with me and will give me the strenght I need to face each day... Have a good day ....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


After reading many blogs it seems that people write what is on their heart so here goes..I (we) as a family have had many long years (15) to be exact of praying for, begging God, having others pray for our son (and brother) who is now 30 years old - so as you can see a long time................ He has been in rebellion - is that what you still call it at 30 years old? not sure.. I just know it makes your heart heavy. I have just read (along with many other books) Joel Olseen's books - On TV he is a little too happy for me however his books are amazing - at least I believe the good Lord lead me to read them. Like I said I am fairly new to really reading the Word on a daily basis. I have come along way and the Lord has been right there all the time however I have- just within the last few months have really stopped to listen to God and understand the Word. This is the first time I have ever felt this peaceful in my life. I pray and place myself in the Lord's hands daily - hourly. I do know HE is in control - HE knows what will happen and all the years of me "wanting to know what will happen" "needing to know before I can believe" have come to an end. I am done trying to figure it out - I do not even want to anymore.

I realized I must put MY GOD first in my life and I have been putting my son first. I was sure I could fix him - I could help him and I have for a very long time thought that would happen - I would be happy, my family would be complete if he would get his life together. I read when we feel we have any kind of power to change things -that is like us "tying the hands of God" - to put anyone or anything first ahead of God - WOW did that hit me. I first love and praise God for my life and all I have been blessed with~ wonderful husband, beautiful wonderful daughters, lovely grandchildren. I have fought it- how do you not put your children first - I would pray OK God - I will give you everything and do what you want but please do not let anything happen to my family - what is up with that? - I was negotiating with God!

Bottom line now as a 30 year old he has gotten into serious trouble and he has two beautiful children that we adore - so please keep us in your prayers and please pray for me to continue to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance. blessings...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Made a change to my blog.....

Thank you to Gabrielle over at Contemplative Haven for giving me a head's up on changing my blog to allow "anyone" to leave a message - thank goodness my daughter is here to help me :) I have made the change - thanks....

Thank you Lord

When I am down I try to write down things I am so very blessed with - things to be most thankful for.... I think it is a bad day and then my list grows and I realize God is right here right now..
(not in any type of order but)...

My warm home, my sweet dog (she is sitting next to me as I type) food cooking in the oven, my health, my husband, my beautiful daughters and their beautiful daughters, my sons children - so sweet and so funny - my job, my church, our extended family - wow do we have a wonderful family - did I mention my warm home? It is freezing here today..
Thank you Lord for this day and every day I am blessed to wake up and do what needs to be done in my life - I am so content however things in my life are a bit on edge right now (my son) I feel God in my heart and I continue to put the sitution in HIS hands over and over again. Have a wonderful Sunday evening...... you friend Mary....

Friday, February 15, 2008

It's Friday!

Good Morning and Happy Friday, someone forwarded this website to me and I really thought it was interesting.


Have a blessed week-end. Stay warm...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Good Morning all - Happy Valentine's Day -

Thought would talk today about the name of my Blog - I just knew in my heart that I was to start blogging and to dedicate my blog to my mom - Annie... she was the best. I miss her greatly. She went to be with the Lord 8 years ago and I still think of her every day. I wish I had spent more time with her however she was a very busy lady (81) (she never told her age..)she was gone every day of the week with her activities - and I had three (count them) three teen-agers. Problems with my oldest, our son (still remain today at the age of 30) however I found I wanted to keep things from her to protect her from worry - little did I know at the time that mom's worry no matter what. I do however see her in myself so much more everyday. She prayed! - I am so glad I had that example. It is what carrys us though life. I learned so much from Annie - she was kind, caring to others, loved her family and loved the Lord. I thank her so much for me strength and that I learned it has to be in God's time not mine. good day.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Peace Be Still and Know that I am God....

This verse continues to run thru my head day and night. I have been reading the Word of God daily and still trying to find my way. I was raised in church and have always believed however God has had me on quite a journey for awhile now and I am hungry to learn more. My friend at work gave me her edition of "MacArthur Study Bible". I have NIV Bible however she thought this would help me. I was wondering if anyone uses "The Message" by Eugene Peterson?

God's Peace..M

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another year older....

My daughter Kate turns 29! tomorrow. How could that be - where has the time gone? When you have teenagers it does not go fast enought! She now has a baby girl and I look at her and think she is a picture of her mom. I thank God for the circle of life....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Prayer during Lent

I am new to the blog world. I have been reading and reading the word of God and continue to learn thur books and friends. I wish to really allow myself to pray and "listen" to the Lord during these next weeks during Lent. I must listen to God instead of telling Him what HE should be doing.