Saturday, May 31, 2008

Green Lush Trees.....

Good Morning, I sat down to pray and look out the window (the birds are calling me) and see what a beautiful earth we have - how blessed are we? The trees are heavy with rain from the night and the flowers look like they are growing before my eyes...

I feed the birds each morning and it still amazes me when I go out they fly over and just sit waiting for me....they know they will be taken care of ...they trust me - why then do I not trust HIM as I should? HE will take care of things if I let HIM = why do I think I need to fix things? The birds are teaching me....HE knew they would..... have a blessed day....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beautiful Morning

Good Morning -it is just a beautiful spring morning here in Western Pa.
It has been awhile since my last post. I have to say I read many blogs daily...
beautiful days...This I Do...many and I have learned so much and grown so much in my spiritual journey. I just do not feel like I have much to say compared to others - such beautiful verses and thoughts and bible knowledge....people have commented to my blog say Hello and I so appreciate it~

I know the more I blog the more I will have to say so with that said - I am back.

Enjoy this beautiful day the Good Lord has graced us with and have a blessed Memorial Week-end....Mary