Friday, February 22, 2008

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow....

This is what came to my heart - love that song just started singing it in my head :)

My Bible and being able to really understand what I am reading...
My Journal and looking back thru and writing what is on my heart...
Rosie the cutest dog in the world who just loves you no matter what...
Snow, Snow, Snow - very pretty and peaceful...

I have found a week-end treat for next week-end - talk about the good Lord working.
I will have a week-end with my Bible, prayers and the most beautiful chapel you have ever seen. God is working in my life like I have never felt before - God's blessings to all - enjoy your week-end...


Bloggy Mama said...

Hi Mary. Thanks for your comment on my blog, today.
Have a blessed weekend!

Melanie said...

Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Many blessings to you!

Let Love Grow said...

Hi Mary - Rebekah left instructions on how to add a list on my blog - very helpful! Thanks for visiting! Come again!

Rebekah said...

It blesses me to read as you express your heart and your thankfulness to God for his blessings to you! Thank you Mary.

Annie said...

Hello daughter of Annie,
Thanks for coming to my blog today. Here's a wish for a restorative and fulfilling weekend.

tonya said...

May your weekend be completely blessed.
thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that you'll be having a special weekend of prayer and reflection! God is Good!