Tuesday, February 19, 2008


After reading many blogs it seems that people write what is on their heart so here goes..I (we) as a family have had many long years (15) to be exact of praying for, begging God, having others pray for our son (and brother) who is now 30 years old - so as you can see a long time................ He has been in rebellion - is that what you still call it at 30 years old? not sure.. I just know it makes your heart heavy. I have just read (along with many other books) Joel Olseen's books - On TV he is a little too happy for me however his books are amazing - at least I believe the good Lord lead me to read them. Like I said I am fairly new to really reading the Word on a daily basis. I have come along way and the Lord has been right there all the time however I have- just within the last few months have really stopped to listen to God and understand the Word. This is the first time I have ever felt this peaceful in my life. I pray and place myself in the Lord's hands daily - hourly. I do know HE is in control - HE knows what will happen and all the years of me "wanting to know what will happen" "needing to know before I can believe" have come to an end. I am done trying to figure it out - I do not even want to anymore.

I realized I must put MY GOD first in my life and I have been putting my son first. I was sure I could fix him - I could help him and I have for a very long time thought that would happen - I would be happy, my family would be complete if he would get his life together. I read when we feel we have any kind of power to change things -that is like us "tying the hands of God" - to put anyone or anything first ahead of God - WOW did that hit me. I first love and praise God for my life and all I have been blessed with~ wonderful husband, beautiful wonderful daughters, lovely grandchildren. I have fought it- how do you not put your children first - I would pray OK God - I will give you everything and do what you want but please do not let anything happen to my family - what is up with that? - I was negotiating with God!

Bottom line now as a 30 year old he has gotten into serious trouble and he has two beautiful children that we adore - so please keep us in your prayers and please pray for me to continue to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance. blessings...


Rebekah said...

I know how hard it is to let things go and give people and situations to God. I am a fix-it kind of person, so I want to get in there, use my brains and do the practical, make-sense kind of thing and take care of the situation. But, after doing that so many times, God really has opened up my eyes and shown me that I should give everything to him. I don't see the whole picture, so my attempts to fix things aren't with the full knowledge and understanding of what is happening or needs to happen....even though I think I know what needs to happen. This post is an encouragement and a reminder to put God first and to let go and let God. Thanks.

I'll be lifting you and your son up in prayer.

Mike's Travels said...

How hard for you! I'm not a parent so I can't say I know what you are going through, but I feel something of your pain. God has given you your children and I'm sure that he is pleased that you love and care so much for them. But He also wants you to be at peace and not for that peace to depend on them. May God bless you richly. Try and keep your eyes on Him for 'He remembers that we are dust'.

Anonymous said...

I will certainly pray for your prodigal...Hugs.

Shosannah said...

Your post really touched me. I'm new here. I found you through Poetry prayer and praise and you have such a gentle and insightful way of putting down your thoughts.
I have four young children so far and the hardest thing for me I know will be letting them go as they grow.
I feel so much for you.
I pray that your son will find his way back to you all soon.
God Bless